Saturday, 15 February 2014

OUT OF SIGHT IS OUT OF MIND ... AND OUT OF POCKET: Why visual communication is vital

By Erika Kruger

Out of sight is out of mind!

So often, familiar expressions such as these convey important life and business lessons. 

Being out of customers’ minds can leave business owners seriously out of pocket.

Any business that is not harnessing the power of visual communication will soon discover that their services or products are not uppermost in the buyers’ minds. If our business or our brand is not in direct view of our target market, it is easily forgotten. People tend to stop thinking about things that they don’t often see.

Worse than being forgotten, is being lost in obscurity. If consumers have never seen you around, out of sight, out of mind actually means that you just do not exist and they have no idea that your business can be of service to them.

Now that badly affects the bottom line. 

It leaves you out of pocket.

Yes another stock phrase but one that boasts two different meanings these days.

The conventional use comes from an accounting term to pay from ones personal funds, something us business owners are going to end up doing if we don’t push ourselves to see and be seen quickly and effectively.  

The other, more recent meaning of being out of pocket often used in Silicon Valley and implying that someone is unavailable, that we are no longer in other people’s pocket. 

It also suggests that no-one can get hold of us in any way possible – not via email, not via telephone and not via cell phone. We have isolated ourselves.

But that may not be the only way we are playing hard to get.

 Feeling invisible? 

Our customers might find it hard to get what our business is all about.  Our brand message could be getting lost in:
  •      too much text,
  •      bad design and
  •      poor quality, bland and badly chosen images.

Read also: IMAGES CAN MAKE OR BREAK A WEB PAGE: Using images to put the brake on a speedy click through

 Do you feel your business is being overlooked? Is your business playing hard to get?

Are your branding, marketing, advertising and PR campaigns failing to harness the power of high quality and appropriate images to keep you in direct vision of your customers?  

5 things you could do:

If you answered yes to those questions, this will help you improve your business' visibility: 
  • Learn a new language. Become visually literate.
  • Invest in the best visual communication team you can afford – designers, web designers, photographers etc. 

Remain in your customers’ sight and minds so that you can find a place in their hearts.

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