Feel the fear ... and do it anyway!
That was the message of guest speaker Angela Greyling of
VisionWorx at the Xtraordinary Women’s Somerset West chapter September
breakfast event last week.
In this manic society we live in, we often confuse success
with being busy.
The way to test whether that which we keep ourselves busy
with, is if it is making a real impact on our own lives, the lives of others and the
world around us. Life is not about being productive, it is about being of
She quoted author of Success Intelligence, Robert Holden to
not confuse:
- speed with progress
- urgency with importance
- adrenaline with purpose
It's not about working harder - It's about
removing the obstacles.
And our busy-ness is based in fear, those scripts /
assumptions we have been brought up with and have assimilated throughout our
presented participants with four practical ways
of how to ‘hold’ their fears from a place of self-power:
- Stop talking yourself into fear
- Act as if you are not afraid
- Reframe your picture of fear
- Make a point of remembering the last time you were brilliant
Angela explains that she has been drawn to people, their
behaviours and emotions, and a desire to develop individuals. She studied a BA degree in Industrial Psychology at Rhodes University before working in the
distance learning environment as a student advisor, then as a recruitment consultant.
She eventually became a business woman, first as the owner of a training consultancy
and then a florist shop.
Her interest in psychology also led her to being trained as a
Life Line counsellor and more recently completing a Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP) Coaching Practitioner Certification Course.
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