Saturday, 21 June 2014

FLASHBACK # 9: Of marine mammals and mid-winter magic

Copyright: Martin Van Niekerk Photography


Today being the winter solstice, we celebrated the first tiny step towards summer with a gloriously bright and sunny day in the Western Cape.

Martin and I packed a lunch and headed towards the outlook at Steenbras River where we sunned ourselves like dassies while watching enormous waves break over the rocks.

And then from Kogelberg-side they came, a shoal of dolphins at least a kilometre and a half long, swimming towards Koei en Kalf near Gordons Bay.

What a privilege to see a sight as beautiful as this so close to home!

It reminded me of this lovely image Martin took near Granger Bay on an assignment for Sanlam a few years ago.

He was out on a boat to photograph marine mammologist Meredith Thornton when they saw the dolphins right next to them.

No one can blame him when for a while there, his focus became these incredible animals rather the subject of the assignment.

Meredith Thornton, marine mammologist counting
dolphins in Granger Bay, Cape Town

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